Implemented regular 'Health Checks' in the admin area to verify system condition
Improved stability of PanelAlpha and PanelAlpha Engine
Improved integration with Mailcow mail server
Implemented minor visual enhancements in both the client and admin areas
Minor code corrections and various improvements
Cases Reported By Clients
Added options for managing all nameserver-related functionalities - case #JLE-005052-428
Added ability to disable auto-updates by default, allowing customers to enable them manually - case #ZAC-592738-658
Added several record types for DNS templates - case #DFQ-187644-450, #DFQ-187644-649
Added validation for domain changes in the client area - case #XWL-955054-648
Added restriction to prevent moving to the next step of instance creation when the instance limit for the selected service is reached - case #JUL-551308-614
Improved error handling in both client and admin areas - case #OGV-664597-611
Improved workflows with DNS servers - case #OGV-664597-623
Fixed issue where AAAA records were not populating IPv6 addresses - case #ZIY-899681-452
Eliminated problem with password character limits - case #DKP-916133-655
Fixed issue with switching the auto-upgrade option - case #ZAC-592738-659, #ZAC-592738-660
Fixed issue with newly created groups being unavailable for assignment when adding a new server - case #DXE-747065-674
Resolved issue with multiple active services when importing a WordPress installation - case #FUM-750641-675
Improved documentation on the installation process of PanelAlpha Engine - case #PEY-743054-663
PanelAlpha Engine
Resolved issues related to non-Latin characters during instance import - case #OSY-433924-657
cPanel Integration
Added support for remote MySQL databases in cPanel - case #GKY-855703-662
Cloudflare Integration
Resolved server errors occurring after enabling the Cloudflare proxy in the client area - case #KJN-826449-652
Mailcow Integration
Fixed 'Server Error' issue when attempting SSO to Webmail - case #PMU-317350-667
WHMCS Integration - Version 1.0.2
Support for 'Disk Usage' metric billing - case #RIJ-799458-553
Added option to hide the instance name field on the order form - case #HQU-903340-585
Implemented multi-language support in the client area
Implemented RTL (Right-to-Left) support with automatic adjustment based on the detected language
Added option to download system logs for support purposes
Implemented API Documentation enabling integration with external platforms
Enhanced functionality of the Cloudflare integration specifically for sub-domains
Enhanced 'Login as User' feature in both the admin area and the PanelAlpha For WHMCS module
Enhanced error notifications system in the client area
Various improvements implemented within the wizard
Various improvements made within the client and admin area interfaces
Improved documentation by adding new sections and additional information
Minor code corrections and various improvements
Cases Reported By Clients
Corrected display of the usage information in both the client and admin area - case #CNY-751184-214
Resolved issue caused by the lack of support for multiple IP addresses when configuring a plan - case #XRE-239622-442
Revised documentation for a clear understanding of the update steps for PanelAlpha application and PanelAlpha engine - case #SON-139332-307
Resolved error encountered when processing the Refresh Report Data task - case #JLE-005052-462
PanelAlpha Engine Integration
Fixed problem with connecting to the database after restart - case #VZI-583500-456
DirectAdmin Integration
Fixed issue where the WP-CLI verification failed during integration test - case #ZWH-008983-435
Fixed issue related to creating an instance - case #ZWH-008983-457
Plesk Integration
Fixed issue with synchronizing services and instances - case #XRE-239622-443, #RBH-882401-454
WHMCS Integration
Enhanced process of assigning languages to instances created via WHMCS - case #WWZ-728006-467
Fixed issue with sequential configuration of ordered numbers for instances - case #WWZ-728006-467
Fixed issue where changes to plan configuration settings in PanelAlpha were not reflected in the WHMCS product configuration update - case #BTQ-872568-439
0.9.5 - Release Candidate
Feb 27, 2024
New Features
PanelAlpha Engine Enhancements:
Added Single Sign-On (SSO) integration for phpMyAdmin in the client area
Added ability to allocate dedicated resources to end users
Added support for PHP versions 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 and other popular extensions
Added 'PHP Settings' option within plan configuration, allowing php.ini files customization for new accounts with cPanel, DirectAdmin, Plesk and PanelAlpha Engine server types
Implemented 'DNS Templates' functionality for DNS Servers
Implemented option to force clients to provide a domain by selecting the 'Ask For Domain' option within plan configuration for 'Quick' onboarding method
Added possibility to return to the wizard if the initial setup has not been completed
Improved 'DNS Zones' feature within DNS Servers, by implementing a table that lists all zones created in PanelAlpha
Improved Single Sign-On (SSO) integration with WP-Admin
Improved 'DNS Status' refresh mechanism in the list of instances in the admin area
Improved PowerDNS configuration within DNS Servers, by introducing the option to configure 'Zones Kind'
Enhanced presentation of server logs within the admin area
Enhanced presentation of staging instances in the admin area
Enhanced 'Activity' widget on the Dashboard in the admin area
Enhanced display of servers within the service detail section in the admin area
Enhanced admin login page
Enhanced both user and admin interfaces
Minor code corrections and various improvements
Cases Reported By Clients
Improved process of adding DNS records in the client area - case #EUA-575872-356
Improved process of creating an instance with 'Standard' onboarding method - case #JLE-005052-430
Eliminated issues caused by apostrophes that might occur when creating a domain - case #JLE-005052-399
Corrected tooltips associated with backups - case #JLE-005052-400
Fixed issue that might occur when changing an email in the client area - case #JLE-005052-425
Eliminated problems with installing custom plugins - case #AHH-240402-404
Eliminated problems with toggle switching in the client area - case #JLE-005052-427
Corrected typos in the client area - case #JLE-005052-429
Fixed issue with backup restoration in the client area - case #SKE-251469-422
Eliminated problem causing the 'Cannot dump MySQL database on remote server' error during instance import - case #GWS-682296-424
Eliminated problem where specific plugins were not appearing under 'New Plugins' - case #JLE-005052-426
Cloudflare Integration
Resolved issue related to displaying nameservers in the client area - case #BLM-639101-409
DirectAdmin Integration
Eliminated problem causing the 'Cannot verify WP-CLI installation' error under test integration - case #ZWH-008983-435
WHMCS Integration
Added 'PanelAlpha Welcome New User' email template - case #JLE-005052-335
Fixed error occurring during the execution of the daily cron job - case #QDX-276634-398
0.9.4 Beta
Feb 7, 2024
New Features
Added Cloudflare DNS integration for DNS Servers
Implemented remote backups feature offering setup and management options
Implemented server synchronization functionality for Hosting, DNS and Email Servers
Added automated Redis cache functionality for PanelAlpha Engine
Added possibility to select PHP version in the client area for cPanel, DirectAdmin and Plesk integrations
Introduced Single Sign-On (SSO) functionality for phpMyAdmin in the client area for cPanel and DirectAdmin integrations
Added support for cPanel DNSOnly integration for DNS Servers - case #EJA-737351-311
Option to disable single client area privileges in the plan configuration - case #YHW-958912-313
Option to specify default language, version and configuration settings for new WordPress installations at the plan configuration level
Option to select a default theme for newly created instances within the plan configuration - case #PVC-926369-355
Improved instance setup process by separating creation and configuration tasks
Improved instance migration functionality in the client area
Corrected problem with CSS caching after a change in branding
Enhanced 'Domains' tab within the plan configuration, enabling subdomain addition and blacklist management
Improved configuration and management options with the introduction of access control functionality
Enhanced documentation ensuring smooth navigation and usability
Refined both user and admin interfaces
Minor code corrections and various improvements
Bug Fixes
Fixed issues related to sending in-app and email notifications
Fixed cases when the instance status was not automatically updated
Fixed issue that prevented the ordering of an SSL Certificate following a domain change
Eliminated problem with refreshing report data when 'Raw Access Log' is disabled
Fixed issue where the package would not change after a service update
Cases Reported By Clients
Added 'Test Connection' feature for DNS servers - case #EOK-586928-310
Access control management defined per plan - case #YHW-958912-313
Improved management of blacklists in plan configuration - case #YGS-105268-312
Improved update process for both PanelAlpha and PanelAlpha Engine - case #SON-139332-307
Improved validation for the 'Change Domain' feature - case #AFK-671680-344
Resolved issue with SSL Certificates waiting for DNS propagation - case #ZHQ-621341-350
Resolved issue causing the 'Unable to find domain with name' error when deleting an instance - case #XRE-239622-348
Fixed problem with sending test emails - case #ASV-097000-343
Resolved issue preventing the display of service details in the admin area - case #IFC-619646-318
Fixed 'Something went wrong' error occurring while creating backups - case #WCI-326078-349
Eliminated 'Undefined array key 'storage'' issue in the admin area - case #UJW-535823-332
Fixed issue preventing the deletion of a user with active services in the admin area - case #KGY-287607-319
Solved problem with overflowing fields for custom SSL Certificates - case #JGR-561193-395
PanelAlpha Engine
Fixed issue where the DNS zone was not created after creating a staging instance - case #MLU-077082-345
cPanel Integration
Resolved problem with instance creation process - case #UOJ-489039-352
Resolved issues related to the 'Push to Live' option - case #RPQ-262713-351, #PIJ-993638-295
Enhanced error handling for disabled PHP functions - case #RRR-636084-308
Plesk Integration
Resolved error that might appear when opening the 'My Hosting' tab - case #TEH-173471-327
Fixed problem that occurred when editing an already connected server - case #XRE-239622-346
Eliminated issue with 'stdClass::$stdout' encountered when connecting to Plesk - case #LBF-475597-353
PowerDNS Integration
Implemented feature to delete a DNS zone upon deleting the instance - case #DEV-294777-357
WHMCS Integration
Fixed error that occurred during an order processing - case #GPL-981868-297
Resolved potential issue that may arise when testing the connection during the server configuration - case #FTZ-313580-309
Matomo Integration
Added instructions to the documentation on how to reset the password for Matomo - case #WYQ-425744-326
0.9.3 Beta
Nov 29, 2023
New Features
Added support for port 8443 in the admin area, ensuring seamless compatibility with Cloudflare Important: The current port, 2001, will remain valid for existing instances until the official release of version 1.0.0
Added option to 'Reinstall the Hosting', accessible in the service details in the admin area, if no remote server account has been created
Implemented Redis Object Caching for instances hosted on the PanelAlpha Engine
Implemented alert in the summary to inform users that 'DNS is not resolving', for the first instance created by the wizard
Improved setup process of plans and servers in the admin area
Improved display of server information on the service details page in the admin area
Optimized number of requests per instance in the 'Server Logs' within the admin area
Corrected notifications sent to users and administrators
Minor code corrections and various improvements
Cases Reported By Clients
Added ability to set the favicon and display name in the 'Style Manager' - case #NDP-134117-248, #MQY-251800-228
Added command to reset the password for the administrator account - case #YFE-403045-225
Added tooltip to the 'Branding' button configuration, when that is disabled - case #RXW-151471-222
Improved installation process and instance configuration - case #NGP-796809-296
Resolved issue with retrying installation for a failed instance in the client area - case #PJY-543879-282
Fixed issue with opening the admin area for URLs behind Cloudflare - case #GAB-026769-257
Resolved error occurring when creating an instance with uppercase characters - case #OVA-718986-286
Fixed problem with server group editing - case #IKT-562384-233
Eliminated the 'Server Error' issue that occurred after changing the Application URL - case #TXR-289815-246
Resolved problem with saving the token for Postmark in the notification configuration - case #BQQ-307236-264
Addressed issue with the domain changes in the admin area - #BLM-639101-277
Removed access to 'Style Manager' for clients, which now is accessible only for logged-in as client administrators - case #IME-937058-223
Removed links from the logo on the client area login form - case #BLM-639101-265
PanelAlpha Engine
Added additional modules for WordPress - case #GML-305706-251
Resolved issues related to the rewrite option - case #GML-305706-252
cPanel Integration
Eliminated PHP fatal error occurring during the installation of an instance in the wizard - case #LCN-116768-236
Fixed error related to deprecated notices during the 'Test Integration' process - case #EVZ-103762-237
DirectAdmin Integration
Added option to manually set the database host - case #HOE-153329-284
Fixed issue connected with changing the domain - case #DHF-925230-288
Corrected problem with setting the SSL Certificate for a staging instance - case #QEQ-833403-285
Fixed issue where users were being created in DirectAdmin with a non-existent package - case #NQH-739032-283
Eliminated the '/usr/bin/env: mysql' error that occurred during instance creation - case #BLM-639101-221
Resolved issue with 'Undefined property' that occurred when creating instances - case #KWS-586933-259
Resolved issues related to downloading the connector file for DirectAdmin - case #LFJ-845678-270
Plesk Integration
Improved operation of 'Test Connection' by adding license and subscription checks - case #XFI-934849-220, #NGP-796809-263
PowerDNS Integration
Improved process for adding zones with records - case #NGP-796809-245, #PVB-425509-291
WHMCS Integration
Eliminated problem with saving product configuration - case #VTW-482061-281
Fixed issue causing error 500 responses - case #OXW-295513-275
Fixed issue causing 'The domain filed is required' error under module create - case #EAB-859395-258
Corrected the 'Test Connection' process when no port is entered - case #QFM-320970-235
Resolved problem with the 'Welcome Email' in product details - case #RKA-393373-247